Category Archives: Writing

Procedure 2

How to make a
A Fabulous Paper Plane

Colored A4 paper and our hands

This procedure is about how to make a paper plane. You can make this for your own entertainment.

Firstly fold your paper in half length ways and make sure to crease well.
Then unfold it and repeat the process but on the other side.
Then fold the top two corners on a 48° angle into the middle.
After finishing folding the corners in fold those in to the middle again.
Now grab the top at the point and fold it forwards until the point reaches the bottom.
And fold that in half.
Now fold the opposite corner of the triangle so it parallel with the edge of the triangle.
Unfold it and pull the point up and crease.
Now fold it in half.
Fold the point into the other side.
Now to finish off grab it and fold it forwards so it is a flap.

Procedure 1

Goal to achieve or lesson to learn
Ingredients or items necessary

How to make
Bread Pizza
We are going to make delicious bread pizza. It’s cheap and delicious. At lunch you could make this snack for your family.
Any bread of your choice, cheese, red onion, tomato paste, grater, tinfoil ,metal plate or any baking dish you have and lastly your oven glove.
Bacon, salami, ham,

Firstly wash your hands and get all your material ready, like grating the cheese.
Starting off wrap your tinfoil around your baking dish. Make sure the foil is flat on the baking dish.
Place of how much bread you wants on your ready dish.
Evenly spread your tomato paste over your bread.
Starting to add your toppings, firstly add your toppings.
Repeat the presses for all your other bread.
Heat the oven to 180°.
Put your pizza bread in the oven and wait for about 5-10 minutes.
When your bread is finished put on your oven glove and place the hot oven tray on the bench.

Make sure you make your pizza the way you wanted. Now to finish off plate your dish. This is a great snack for your family. Enjoy your snack.